Thursday, December 12, 2013

Managing Design Processes (Human Computer Interaction)

Organizational Design and Support Usability

Design is a creative activity whose aim is to establish the multi-faceted qualities of objects , processes, services and their system in whole life cycles. (ICSID - International Council of Societies of Industrial Design)

(Rosson and Carrol, 2002) method to characterize design is :
  • Design is a process
  • The design porcess is nonhierarchial.
  • The process is radically transformational
  • Design intrinsically involves the discovery of new goals. 

Four Pillars of Design

  1. User-interface Requirements
  2. Guidelines Documents & process
  3. User-Interface Software Tools
  4. Expert Reviews & Usability Testing

Development Methodologies

Ada puluhan metode pengembangan yang diiklankan, salah satunya adalah "The Rapid Contextual Design Method" oleh Holtzblatt. Metode desain ini melibatkan beberapa langkah yaitu :

  1. Contextual Inquiry
  2. Interpretation sessions and work modeling
  3. Model Consolidation and affinity diagram building
  4. Persona Development
  5. Visioning
  6. Storyboarding
  7. User environment design
  8. Interview and evaluations with paper prototypes and mock-ups

Ethnographic Observation

  1.  Preparation
  2. Field Study
  3.  Analysis
  4. Reporting

Participatory Design

Salah satu cara desain dimana user ikut serta dalam menentukan desain.Keuntungan dari participatory design adalah user dapat lebih mudah diterima olehnya karena ia ikut serta dalam pembuatan tersebut. Kekurangannya adalah bisa saja user tidak terlalu kompeten dalam pembuatan desain dan akan memakan waktu lebih lama jika terlalu banyak campur tangan user yang terbelit-belit.

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